V. Issoupov (В.В.
Ageing Mechanism of the Carbon Plastics in the Natural and
Simulated LEO Conditions
(Magister of Physics Qualification Work)
1 Space environment and its influemce on organic composite
materials (Bibliographical Review)
1. Introduction
2. Space Vacuum
3. Temperature and Thermal Cycling
3.1 Delamination and Microcracing
3.2 Evolution of Physical Properties
4. Solar Illumination and Ultraviolet
5. Fluxes of Charged Particles
5.1 Damage Mechanisms
5.2 Effects od Charged Particles on Organic
5.3 Evolution of Thermomechanical Properties
5.4 Synergetic Action of Charged Particles and
Thermal Cycles
6. Atomic Oxygen with Hight Velocities
6.1 Presentation of Several Flight
6.2 Mechanisms of Interaction with Polymers
6.2.1 reflection of the oxygen atoms
6.2.2 oxidation of bombarded surfaces
6.2.3 emission of oxidation products
6.3 Influence of Chemical Composition and Density
of Fibres
6.4 Evolution of Physical and Chemical
7. Micrometeorites and Space Debris
8. Conclusion
2 General Consideration of Polymeric Composite Materials
(Object of Investigation)
1. Choice of Materials
1.1 Epoxy Matrices
1.2 Carbon Fibres
1.3 Fabrication of Composite Plaques
1.4 Post-curing Residual Deformations
2. Representation of Experimental Materials
3 Experimental methods used for characterization of
1. Determination of Mechanical
1.1 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
1.1.1 general theory
1.1.2 instrumentation
1.1.3 presentation of results
1.1.4 a- and b- transitions of polymers
1.1.5 mathematical model of dynamic mechanical
1.2 Linear Dilatometry
1.3 Microhardness
1.4 Measurements of Stress-strain Properties
2. Diffusion Analysis
3. Kinetic Trunk - Computerized System for
Analysis and Statistical Simulation
4. Differaential Scanning Calorimetry
4.1 Instrumentation
4.2 General Theory
4.3 Interpretation of Typical DSC Results
5. IR- and UV- Spectrphotometry
4 Behavoir of polymeric composite materials in the LEO space
environment (Post-flight experiments)
1. Introduction
2. Gradient of Mechanical Characteristics Across
the Thickness of Composite Laminates exposed to Outer Space
2.1 Generalities
2.2 Assymmetry of Mechanical Properties
2.3 Direct Characterization of Binder
2.3.1 methodology for measuring
2.3.2 peculiarities of the microhardness index od
epoxy binders
3. Influence of the LEO Environment on Morphology
and Diffusion Properties
4. Influence of Shielding Upon the Morphology
Resistance of Polymeric Composite Materials
5. Influence of Shielding Upon the Resistanse of
Mechanical properties of Polymer Composite Materials
6. Spectrometrical Treatment and Analysis of
Relaxation Effects in Epoxy Binders of Polymeric Composite
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Peculiarities of Relaxation Processes in the
Epoxy Binders
7. Methodologies for Forecastng of Basic Physical
Parametres of Materials and Structures in the Space Environment
7.1 Calculation of Erosion Parametres for 15
years in the LEO
7.2 Long-time Effect on the Glass Transition
Temperature of Epoxy Binders
7.3 Forecasting of Shear, flexible and
stress-strain properties
8. Conclusion
5 Behavoir of polymeric composite materials in a simulated
LEO space environment (On-ground accelerated experiments)
1. Simulation of Atomic Oxygen Effect on the
KMU-3L Composite Material
1.1 "Casoar" Simulation Facility
1.2 Experimental Conditions
1.3 Choice of Fluxes and Duration of the
1.4 Influence of Atomic Oxygen on Degradation of
1.5 Prediction of Erosion Parametres for Long
1.6 Evolution of Morphology of ther Surface
2. Diffusion Properties of the KMU-3L Composite
3. Simulated Effect of Space Radiation on the
KMU-3L Composite Material
3.1 "Semiramis" Simulation Facility
3.2 Calculation of Equivalent doses and sun
3.3 Test Materials and Conditions
4. Presentation of General Properties of the
KMU-3L after Irradiation Stages of Atomic Oxygen, UV and
4.1 Degradation of Thermo-Optical Properties
4.2 Analysis of Viscoelastic Properties
5. Simulation of the Thermal Cycles Effect on the
KMU-3L Matarial
6. Conclusion
Advantages of in-Flight Experiments
Advantages of Artifical Experiments
Future Work (Propositions for a Work at
Onera-Toulouse/Desp for Proparation of the Ph.D. Degree in
List (Principal Publications of 1995-1999)